Pepe Fanjul, Jr. happily shared a new vignette that celebrates Florida Sugar farmers’ role as part of the solution for Everglades restoration.
The spot, which will be playing on televisions across Florida, shows some of the advanced farming techniques used by Everglades Agricultural Area farmers. Best Management Practices, as they are called, were developed by university scientists in conjunction with farmers. They are high-tech and some even include GPS integration, as seen in the television spot.
Pepe Fanjul, Jr. said, “We really wanted to show people what it’s like to be on one of our farms. Most people have no idea just how much technology goes into modern-day farming and how it helps us be good stewards of the land. We have computer records of all of our farms and can tell you anything about any particular parcel of land. We even laser level our fields to make sure they are completely flat, which means we can ensure the water we put on our fields stays on our fields. It’s really impressive. Our guys do a fantastic job, as do the rest of the farmers out here in the EAA.”
The sugar farming video also includes other members of the Everglades Agricultural Area community including sugar growers from Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida and U.S. Sugar Corporation.
The Sugar Farmers, Part of the Solution video can be viewed on YouTube at